There are two that I remember clearly. The first was when the "What does the Bible Teach" book came out and we started studying it for the bookstudy. It was so mind numbingly dumbed down I found myself getting frustrated thinking to myself "How are we going to become experts on the Bible if we're reading at a first grade level?"
Grown men and women we're raising their hands and answering "Jehovah" and "Jesus". It was so bizarre.
The second one came when they had the big announcement at the upcoming convention about "new light" in regards to the statue with a gold face, silver chest, etc. Everyone was a buzz about how big this was and the invitations we passed out even brought this up.
They really went all out in selling the "new light".
Well, low and behold, when we got to the third day of the convention - everything leading up to this and dancing around the "upcoming big announcement" what did we get? Why, a big nothing burger of course. The new light was that the iron and clay feet of the statue - which had always represented the US and the UK - actually might represent the US, the UK, and maybe some unidentified "other countries".
Ughh. So disappointing. And also the last convention I ever attended.